Top Taco in Town

What is The Top Taco in Town? The HitKicker wants your help in finding the answer this summer.

The HitKicker’s “Top Taco in Town” Sweet Deal goes on sale Tuesday, June 25th at 9 am this gives you the chance to try out some of the Best Tacos in Brevard for half the price.

Click on the link below to grab these great deals on Tuesday, June 25th at 9 am!

“Best Taco Week” Sweet Deal

After you snag up one of these great “Top Taco in Town” Sweet Deals, let us know who you think has The Top Taco in Town!

One Grand Prize winner who votes will win “Best Taco Week” Sweet Deals to all 4 restaurants.

(No purchase necessary to vote) 

Top Taco in Town


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